Podcast: An Interview with Leadership from the CACC

In this episode, Justice Speaks continues its series about State Treatment Court Associations and interviews Judge Stephen V. Manley representing the California Association of Collaborative Courts (CACC).

Judge Stephen V. Manley

The Honorable Stephen V. Manley is a judge for the Superior Court of Santa Clara County in California. He was originally appointed to the Santa Clara Municipal Court by former Governor Jerry Brown in 1977. He was then elevated to the Superior Court after the unification of the courts in 1998.

For 25 years, Judge Manley, locally and nationally, has championed the development of special court programs aimed at getting offenders with mental illness, substance use disorders, or both, into treatment and out of jail.

Judge Manley presides over all misdemeanor and felony drug and mental health cases in Santa Clara County, supervising more than 2,300 individuals who participate in treatment and rehabilitation services while on probation or parole. He has a homeless court that goes into the community, a large program for mentally ill military veterans, a reentry court for mentally ill parolees who violate probation, and more.

Prior to his appointment to the bench, Manley was the directing attorney for Community Legal Services from 1966 to 1977. Manley founded the Santa Clara Drug Treatment Court as well as the Santa Clara Mental Health Treatment Court.

Manly earned a B.A. in behavioral sciences from the University of California, Berkeley. He then received an LL.B. from Stanford University in 1966.

Manly is a recipient of the Jacob K. Javits Award for Public Service from the American Psychiatric Association. He has also been awarded the Chief Justice’s Award for Exemplary Service and Leadership by the California Courts Review.

An Interview with Leadership from the CACC

by Justice Speaks Podcast Episode #48