Podcast: An Interview with the TARCP’s Executive Director

In this episode, Justice Speaks continues a new series about State Treatment Court Associations.  This episode is sponsored by Reconnect.  In this episode, Mack Jenkins, Vice President of the Justice Speakers Institute (JSI), interviews Dr. Marie Crosson, the Executive Director of the Tennessee Association of Recovery Court Professionals (TARCP).

Marie Crosson, Ph.D.

Marie is the Executive Director of the Tennessee Association of Recovery Court Professionals (TARCP), a non-profit organization that provides training, education, advocacy, and support to recovery court programs and professionals in Tennessee. She has over twenty years of experience working in and around the field of addiction treatment and criminal justice programming in a variety of settings providing direct services to clients and/or administering statewide programming. Recovery courts have been a part of her journey since 1998, when she was hired as a counselor at a drug treatment court. Since then, she has become an advocate for recovery courts statewide and has participated in their ongoing development since 2003, first as the State Drug Court Administrator and now as part of TARCP. Marie has a Masters in Counseling, and a Ph.D. in Psychology. Marie is also a trainer for the National Drug Court Institute (NDCI) and Justice for Vets, and a technical assistance consultant on joint projects with NDCI.  Marie is the recipient of the 2017 TAADAS Volunteer of the Year Award. Marie lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband, Jay, and daughter, Grace.

An Interview with the TARCP’s Executive Director

by Justice Speaks Podcast Episode #41