Podcast: An Interview with Leadership from the TASC
In this episode, Justice Speaks continues its series about State Treatment Court Associations and interviews Mary Covington who represents the Texas Association of Specialty Courts (TASC).Mary Covington
Ms. Covington is the current Treasurer for TASC. She is a native Texan who graduated from the University of Texas in Austin, and she has been a criminal justice professional for the last thirty years. She was the first Drug Court coordinator for Harris County and has served on the board of TASC since 2004.
During the interview, Ms. Covington explained that TASC started in 1998 as the Texas Association of Drug Court Professionals. Judge Joel Bennett of Austin, Texas, who also served on the Board of the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP), helped to start TASC. He was its first president. At that time, there were only three Drug Treatment Courts in the state.