Reconnect Smartphone

Reconnect is excited to be able to supply programs with a means to monitor and stay in touch with program participants. These phones are locked down to meet program and sentencing specifications while providing the tools participants need to complete the program.

About the Program

Whether to maintain the conditions of release, or to provide a monitored, locked-down phone to support re-entry, Reconnect Mobile provides participants under supervision access to the Reconnect platform with the controls your program needs to maintain compliance.

With the Reconnect Community app installed on the phone, you can communicate to your clients via secure, HIPAA-compliant, immutable messaging and video chats, keep them focused on the tasks to complete their re-entry, and confirm their attendance at mandatory meetings through location-tagged check-ins.


Benefits & Specifications

Remotely managed devices

Leading phone manufacturers

Unlimited Data

Front + rear-facing cameras

Long battery life

Screen protector & phone case

Features & Connectivity

Devices are customizable

Programs decide which features are available to the participant on each device. You pick the apps, calling and text capabilities, and more!

Plan A: Reconnect Only

The Reconnect cellular device is completely locked down. The phone will only run the Reconnect Community app. No calls, texts, apps, or web access are allowed.

Plan B: Multi-app Mode

The device has call & text functionality, internet access, and allows other apps chosen by the jurisdiction to be installed.

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