SAMHSA Registrations

Need to complete your SAMHSA registrations? Find links to the sites below!

What Reconnect Can Provide  

Narrative: How Reconnect supports Treatment Court best practices

Narrative: How Reconnect Supports  the 10 Key Components 

Technical and product specs 

Scope of  Work: Training and implementation plans 

Budget: Reconnect pricing plan 

Finding the money you need to implement new tools can be challenging. We know and we can help.

Sign up below for assistance applying for available grants.

Other Resources

BJA Funding Webinars

Funding Opportunities for Courts in Your Community in 2022

BJA staff discuss funding programs that are expected to be available in the fiscal year 2022 to support courts and prosecutors.

Watch Now 

The Federal Funding Process: First Steps to Applying, How to Prepare Now, and Other Considerations

BJA staff discuss the registrations that are necessary to apply for funding, how to navigate and JustGrants, and what resources are available for applicants.

Watch Now

BJA Funding Articles

DOJ Application Submission Checklist

“Submitting an application to DOJ is a two-part process. An applicant first submits an abbreviated application in
The full application is then completed in JustGrants, DOJ’s grants management system. This checklist has steps and tips that will assist potential applicants in completing DOJ applications.”

Read More 

Training: Application Submission 

Applicants using JustGrants “may review the e-Learning videos, a job aid reference guide, a DOJ Application Checklist, and other resources to learn more about how to successfully navigate the application process.” 

Read More 

Grant Writing Tips

Check out this handout on building effective grants. With tips and insights from Assistant District Attorney Rani Singh, and Grantmaking Program Manager Katelyn Michaud.


Have questions? 

Want to learn more?