Court Backlog in Idaho is Creeping Up

Court Backlog in Idaho is Creeping Up

We’re continuing our exploration of pandemic-related court backlog this week with a look at courts in Idaho. According to Idaho court officials, the state’s court backlog has been steadily increasing since March 2020.  And although Idaho’s courts...
Diving Into Pandemic Related Court Backlog

Diving Into Pandemic Related Court Backlog

When the pandemic forced courts to close in March 2020, it was apparent that the closures were going have an impact on how many cases were heard. What was not as readily clear was how significant the impact would be and how large the case backlog would become. Now, 10...
Five Pressing Issues For American Probation

Five Pressing Issues For American Probation

Last week, we explored the history of American probation, from John Augustus to Martinson’s course altering “What Works? Questions and Answers About Prison Reform,” before finally digging into policy changes in the 80s and 90s that laid the groundwork for modern...