Q2 Product Updates

Q2 Product Updates

FEATURE SPOTLIGHT Bulk Messages & Announcements We recently launched our new Bulk Message and Announcement features. Bulk Message lets you save time by messaging multiple participants of your choosing at once. Need to alert your whole population with important...
New Reconnect Manager

New Reconnect Manager

On February 5th, Reconnect will launch the new Reconnect Manager. We wanted to give you a preview and highlight some of the features that excite us the most. We embarked on this redesign to make it faster for you to see the most critical elements of your day—how many...
January 2020 Product Updates

January 2020 Product Updates

Hello Reconnecters!   My name is Melih Onvural, and I’m the new VP Product at Reconnect. I’m really excited to help make this platform one that improves outcomes across the criminal justice system. One of my goals is to bring you deeper into our roadmap and ask for...