The #1 Engagement App and Case Management Platform

Technology that fights recidivism, incarceration, and addiction.

Reconnect Manager

Admin and Case Manager Tool

Reconnect Manager

Think of Reconnect Manager as the nerve center of Reconnect’s solutions, eliminating busywork for case managers and helping programs embrace remote accountability. Get an at-a-glance holistic overview of participant schedules and the ability to set up tasks for participants.

24/7 Location Monitoring

Hardware-free monitoring

Reconnect Community

Hardware-free monitoring for programs via Reconnect Community. See a clear picture of where participants are by utilizing GPS coupled with our biometric verification process.

Reconnect Community

Mobile Participant App

Reconnect Community

Reconnect Community has a daily task list for participants, so they know exactly what they need to do that day, eliminating confusion and reducing barriers to their success.

Case Management

Smarter tools, better outcomes

Case Management

Reconnect's Case Management platform was built to ensure maximum visibility of client progress for the entire team. The platform includes Reconnect's trademark automation and user-friendly design.

Reconnect Smartphones

Customizable phones for participants

Reconnect Smartphones

Reconnect is excited to be able to supply programs with a means to monitor and stay in touch with program participants. These phones are locked down to meet program and sentencing specifications while providing the tools participants need to complete the program.


Client accountability

The tools programs need to know clients are meeting program requirements.

Enhanced communication and relationship building

Case studies show Reconnect increases and simplifies communication between clients and program staff.

Client self-management and gamification

Empower clients to be proactive in their program journey, enabling them to practice life skills plus build initiative and responsibility. 

Organization and digitization of program records

Reconnect automatically records and compiles program data for staff and administrators. 

Clear expectations

Lay out what clients need to do in a simple list. Enabling clients to clearly visualize the day’s tasks. 

Increased efficiency and resource prioritization

Eliminate busywork by automating drug testing, reminders, forms, curfews, attendance verification, and more. 

Technology solutions for courts and treatment programs.

We believe connection, clarity, and communication are the keys to successful outcomes and accountability. Reconnect provides software and hardware to connect specialty courts, pretrial, and community supervision programs with their participants.


Q2 Product Updates

Q2 Product Updates

FEATURE SPOTLIGHT Bulk Messages & Announcements We recently launched our new Bulk Message and Announcement features. Bulk Message lets you save time by messaging multiple participants of your choosing at once. Need to alert your whole population with important...

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Rayshard Brooks: In his own words.

Rayshard Brooks: In his own words.

When we learned that Rayshard was killed by the Atlanta Police, we were in shock. This man came to us with a smile that stretched from ear to ear, jumping at the chance to tell us about his experience with the justice system.

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We want to touch on something that is on all our minds—the senseless death of George Floyd. His was the latest in a long stream of needless Black deaths.

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